Is there instruction manual for shimmer sequin wall ?
We design a useful instruction manual for shimmer sequin wall to facilitate the installation process. There will be both a detailed description and vivid pictures printed on each page of the manual. If there is any demand for an electric version of the instruction manual, we will send them to the customer through email. The content is the same as the paper version, and it is also offered for free. For customers from overseas countries, we will recommend them to use the instruction manual in an electric version.
With special advantages, Weimo is outstanding in the sequin curtain industry. sequin curtain series manufactured by NINGBO WEIMO ARTICLE CO., LTD. include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The product is accredited to several recognized standards, such as ISO quality standard. It can be made in the form of a square, polyhedron, and disk. Weimo can be said as a shining example of a brand that has managed to provide exceptional customer service. By using nails and screws, the product is easy to install with mounting holes.
Weimo Decor will strive to become the industry's leading enterprises, promote and lead the industry's development. Inquire!
With special advantages, Weimo is outstanding in the sequin curtain industry. sequin curtain series manufactured by NINGBO WEIMO ARTICLE CO., LTD. include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The product is accredited to several recognized standards, such as ISO quality standard. It can be made in the form of a square, polyhedron, and disk. Weimo can be said as a shining example of a brand that has managed to provide exceptional customer service. By using nails and screws, the product is easy to install with mounting holes.
Weimo Decor will strive to become the industry's leading enterprises, promote and lead the industry's development. Inquire!
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