Is there instruction manual for shimmer wall backdrop?
The instruction manual for shimmer wall backdrop is given by NINGBO WEIMO ARTICLE CO., LTD.. Packing a carefully-compiled and well-printed manual with detailed descriptions about the use, installation, and maintenance methods along with the product, we aim to provide customers with a satisfying experience. On the first page of the manual, step-by-step sum-up regarding installation, use, and maintenance is clearly shown in English. Furthermore, there are some exquisitely-printed pictures displaying every part of the product in detail. You can also ask our staff for the Electronic version of the manual and they will send it through e-mail.
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Weimo is now a great company with a reputation. Weimo Decor's shimmer wall backdrop series are created based on unremitting efforts. Weimo shimmer wall backdrop has been tested. It is tested and certified by the National Sanitation for Food Safety and Food Contact under the NSF 51 Certification. This product is available in many custom finishes. Quality and reliability are the basic characteristics of the product. The product is super-tiny and virtually invisible when molded into boards.
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Weimo Decor adheres to the corporate tenet of 'Quality First, Customer Foremost'. Call now!

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