Is there instruction manual for shimmer wall panel?
Yes, we ship shimmer wall panel together with an instruction manual for customers. It is provided in Chinese, English, and other languages considering the delivery destinations. There will be ingredients, caution information, methods of maintenance, application range and company information included in the manual. Also, there will be vivid product photos provided as a reference. There will be a detailed installation procedure provided in the manual to help customers in operation. Also, the electronic version of the instruction manual can be also offered once customers have such demand.
Over time, NINGBO WEIMO ARTICLE CO., LTD. has evolved from as a Chinese shimmer wall manufacturer to become a global, diversified provider in the industry. Weimo Decor's shimmer wall series contains multiple sub-products. The product is highly acknowledged among customers for its good durability and lasting performance. The product is very suitable for visual merchandising and brand advertising. The product is an excellent tool to take the stress out of everyday fatigue. It improves overall production efficiency and simplifies operation tasks. It causes the static image to "come to life".
It is the idea of 'Quality first, then Productivity' that helps Weimo Decor win high reputation. Get price!
Over time, NINGBO WEIMO ARTICLE CO., LTD. has evolved from as a Chinese shimmer wall manufacturer to become a global, diversified provider in the industry. Weimo Decor's shimmer wall series contains multiple sub-products. The product is highly acknowledged among customers for its good durability and lasting performance. The product is very suitable for visual merchandising and brand advertising. The product is an excellent tool to take the stress out of everyday fatigue. It improves overall production efficiency and simplifies operation tasks. It causes the static image to "come to life".
It is the idea of 'Quality first, then Productivity' that helps Weimo Decor win high reputation. Get price!
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